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Bartonville Christian Church

We are a non-denominational fellowship of Christians who believe the Bible to be God's inspired communication to man, who love one another deeply, and who desire to meet the needs of all people in our community, country, and world. We are a diverse group in age, experience, and opinion, but one in God's love and truth.

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Bradley Epworth Church

Bradley Epworth Church - Bible-Based Christ-Centered Spirit-Filled. Dedicated to making Jesus real to the world by doing the things Jesus did.

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Centennial Christian Church

Where faith and study lead to worship, and worship leads to service. As we give God our faithful worship, we seek to continue our spiritual and educational development, to minister to families, children and adults, and to serve local and world needs with the home as our mission base.

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Christ Bible Church

We believe in the complete inspiration of the Bible, both the Old Testament and the New Testament; In one triune God, eternally existing in three persons; The creation of man by the direct act of God; The incarnation and virgin birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; His vicarious atonement for the sin of mankind by the shedding of His blood on the cross; The resurrection of His body from the tomb; His imminent second coming; His power to save people from sin; The new birth through regeneration by the Holy Spirit; The gift of eternal life by the grace of God; And the eternal security of the believer.

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City on a Hill Church of Christ

Welcome to the City on a Hill Church – a R.E.A.L. people, serving a R.E.A.L. God. We recognize that you are a real person with real needs. That's why we have defined the character of our church by the acronym R.E.A.L. It stands for: Reliable, Empowering, Active, and Loving.

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College Park Christian Church

Welcome to the website of College Park Christian Church in Normal, Illinois. For over 30 years College Park has been reaching out to the Bloomington-Normal community in an effort to glorify God and make disciples who are becoming more like Jesus.

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Cornerstone Christian Fellowship

Cornerstone is part of an international missional church planting movement called Great Commission Ministries.

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East Peoria Church of Christ

The East Peoria church of Christ is a congregation of Christians with a rich history in the American Restoration Movement. Our desire is to continually restore ourselves to New Testament Christianity and refuse to hold human creeds as a test of faith or fellowship. We claim to be Christians only and adhere to no doctrine other than what is expressly taught in the New Testament Scriptures.

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First Christian Church

The First Christian Church of Bloomington was organized in 1837 by William T. Major in the parlor of his home and is the longest continuing congregation in Bloomington.

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First Christian Church of Peoria

Our Mission Is B E S T. To Become the love of Christ, to Embrace the Love of Christ, and to Serve in the love of Christ Together.

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First Church of the Brethren

The First Church of the Brethren is a fellowship of people who believe in Jesus and seek to live out that belief in a practical way each day. We certainly don't claim to be perfect, but we are striving to grow into the people that Jesus is calling us to be as individuals and as a congregation.

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First Church of The Nazarene

Our mission in the Church of the Nazarene is to respond to the Great Commission and be a holy people.

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First Covenant Church

First Covenant is a Bible-centered family of believers, and a member of The Evangelical Covenant Church, a growing denomination of more than 750 congregations in the United States and Canada with ministries on five continents of the world.

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Monticello Church of Christ

Welcome to Monticello church of Christ in Monticello, Illinois. We are so happy you have stopped by our website, and we pray you will feel the need to stop by in person and participate in our worship services and bible studies. We enjoy having guests! To assist you in feeling comfortable when you visit us, we want to share a little of ourselves with you.

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Mt. Hawley Community Church

It is our desire to create an atmosphere where everyone will feel welcome and comfortable. We want people to know they are welcome just as they are. It’s great to know what the Bible says, it’s even better to know what it means for us today. We want each person to leave the service knowing God is real and that God loves them. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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Mt. Moriah Christian Church

We are a Bible preaching and teaching church; a multicultural body of baptized believers that stand on and live by the inerrant Word of God! We are on the move for Christ, changing future generations that they might have hope; a hope found only in Christ Jesus. We are a real people doing a real work for Christ in our families, our church and in this community.

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Native America Fellowship - Dayspring Church

Our Mission at the Native American Fellowship - Dayspring Church is to share Native American tradition and spirituality and the teachings of Jesus Christ in an intertribal community welcome to all.

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New Covenant Community

Our purpose is to continue in our time what Jesus began in his – working for the healing of our world as an inclusive, compassionate, joyful community.

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Northwoods Community Church

We've worked hard to create a place where your whole family can come to launch or continue your spiritual journey, a safe place that is different from what so many people say they've experienced at church in the past. We'd like to welcome you and give you some helpful information about Northwoods.

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Paris Avenue Church of Christ

Welcome to the Paris Avenue church of Christ, a church you can read about in the New Testament. Jesus Christ is our only Lord and His Word is our only guide. We are dedicated Christians who work together as a team to help each other grow spiritually and to reach our world with the saving message of Christ. Come worship with us and meet some people who care about you.

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Richwoods Christian Church

The mission of Richwoods Christian Church is “Helping people find and follow Christ.” We do this through out commitment to “Lead to with Love”.

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Riverside Community Church

Welcome to Riverside Community Church. We are a church in the city with a heart for the city and we hope you'll join us for a weekend service to see for yourself what we're about. Through drama, multi-media presentations,contemporary music and practical messages, we present the ageless truths in way that's relevant to life in the 21st Century.

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United Disciples Christian Church

We at United Disciples Christian Church want to encourage you to know Jesus Christ. We are open to new people and we are growing in spiritual awareness. Perhaps you can help us with that. We are a new church with a strong heritage from 2 great former Disciples of Christ churches. Howett Street Christian Church of Peoria and West Bluff Christian Church of West Peoria united with each other in July of 2005 to form United Disciples Christian Church.

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Universalist Unitarian Church of Peoria

The Universalist Unitarian Church of Peoria is a many-faceted congregation. Not only do we encourage diversity—we celebrate it! We welcome everyone regardless of ethnic group, religious background, or sexual orientation.

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Vale Community Church

This is the comment we hear often from people attending Vale for the first time. They're surprised to find church fun and exciting.

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