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Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church

"Bethel" means House of God, and you are welcome here! Life is complicated, and it's not getting easier. At Bethel, we know we are not left alone. Let us share God's peace with you, and welcome you into God's house.

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Christ Lutheran Church

Christ Lutheran is a Scriptural Church with a message centered in Christ and Him crucified. We believe that man is saved only by faith (trust) in the merits of Christ on the cross and that salvation is offered to sinful man by the grace (underserved love) of a loving God. If you wish more information about what our church teaches, please contact the Pastors who are anxious to share the Good News of Christ with You!

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Christ Lutheran Church

Christ Lutheran Church will continue its Christ-centered, life-directed focus, responding to the needs of its members, emphasizing local and worldwide witness, and acting as a catalyst for the improvement of the neighborhood.

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First English Lutheran Church

Welcome to the First English Lutheran Church - Faith For Tomorrow.

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Grace and Peace Lutheran Church

Grace and Peace is more than our name – it is our mission. We are here to help and support each other in finding God’s grace and peace that can sometimes be missing or not consistent in our lives. If you are looking for a church that can share in your joys and your sorrows we invite you to experience God’s grace and peace at our worship services where you are always welcome. We are looking forward to the grace and peace that you will add to our lives.

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Grace and Peace Lutheran Church

Grace and Peace is more than our name – it is our mission. We are here to help and support each other in finding God’s grace and peace that can sometimes be missing or not consistent in our lives. If you are looking for a church that can share in your joys and your sorrows we invite you to experience God’s grace and peace at our worship services where you are always welcome. We are looking forward to the grace and peace that you will add to our lives.

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Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church

On this website you will find a wealth of information and images that have been designed to introduce you to the teachings and practices of the authentic Lutheran Church and to the particular congregation of Immanuel Ev. Lutheran Church, Peoria, IL.

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Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church

On this website you will find a wealth of information and images that have been designed to introduce you to the teachings and practices of the authentic Lutheran Church and to the particular congregation of Immanuel Ev. Lutheran Church, Peoria, IL. We hope that this webpage will serve you well and we will do our best to keep it current.

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Mount Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church

Mount Calvary is a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. The purpose of the site is to provide information about Mount Calvary, including schedules for Worship Services, Bible Studies, and other special events within the Church year, and to provide a brief synopsis of Lutheran Beliefs.

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Our Redeemer Lutheran Church

With the universal Christian Church, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod teaches and responds to the love of the Triune God: the Father, creator of all that exists; Jesus Christ, the Son, who became human to suffer and die for the sins of all human beings and to rise to life again in the ultimate victory over death and Satan; and the Holy Spirit, who creates faith through God's Word and Sacraments. The three persons of the Trinity are coequal and coeternal, one God.

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Redeemer Lutheran Church

Please accept this as a personal invitation to discover the dynamic ministry of Redeemer Lutheran Church! You can't help but notice the excitement in everything we do because God is at work everywhere. He is changing lives, leading people to a life of faith, love and full devotion in Jesus Christ.

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Resurrection Lutheran Church

Resurrection Lutheran Church exists to Invite people into the body of Christ, Ignite passionate growth in faith, and, Excite believers for lives of service.

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Salem Lutheran Church

We are the Salem family, growing people in Christ! It is our desire to follow our Lord more fully each day and offer others help in their faith journey as we grow together. Salem is a congregation where all ages have place and purpose. Our worship is "child friendly" with a Children's message each week. We hope you will take time look through our web site and come and visit as you are able. It is very important that everyone feel a sense of belonging, and we hope Salem may be that place for you.

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St. Paul Lutheran Church

St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church in Peoria, Illinois is a community of Christians, which by God's grace, has responded to the Great Commission and Great Commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ for 151 Years.

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St. Peter’s Lutheran Church

St Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church is a gathering of God’s people who have come together as a congregation to worship and serve our Triune God.

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Trinity Lutheran Church

Trinity's Mission: Building and strengthening Christ-centered relationships. Creatively attracting and involving people area-wide.

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Trinity Lutheran Church

The mission of Trinity Lutheran Church is to share the forgiveness and love of the resurrected Christ and to make disciples by the power of the Holy Spirit through prayer, teaching, worship, and fellowship.

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Wittenberg Lutheran Church and Student Center

We at the Wittenberg Lutheran Church and Student Center have heard the gracious call of Christ. We seek to be ambassadors for Christ by bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to students, faculty, and staff throughout the universities/colleges located in the Bloomington/Normal area.

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Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church of Peoria

Proclaiming the Gospel from the South Side of Peoria since 1894.

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