- Methodist
Calvary United Methodist Church
The Mission of Calvary is to make disciples for Jesus Christ through worship, fellowship, growth, service and evangelism.
East Peoria First United Methodist Church
We are a Christ-centered people, empowered by the Holy Spirit to love and serve God in the community.
East Peoria Free Methodist Church
The East Peoria Free Methodist Church exists to worship God, to share the Gospel, to nurture believers and to serve others through the power of the Holy Spirit.
First United Methodist
Welcome to First United Methodist Church, Normal, Illinois. Connecting Christ, Campus, and Community
First United Methodist Church, Peoria, IL
The mission of First United Methodist Church is to grow disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of Peoria and the world.
Mossville United Methodist Church
We live and work in harmony together, trusting each others' integrity and listening for the guidance of God in our midst. We are learning to use the Discernment and Concensus model of decision making.
Peoria First Free Methodist Church
The mission of the Free Methodist Church is to make known to people everywhere God's call to wholeness through forgiveness and holiness in Jesus Christ, and to invite into membership and to equip for ministry all who respond in faith.
Wesley United Methodist Church
We would like to welcome you to Wesley United Methodist Church in Bloomington, IL.
Willow Hill United Methodist Church
Gather people in the name of Jesus. Grow Disciples and equip them for personal ministry. Go into our community and world to share the transforming power of God's love.